Expand Your World Through Study Abroad

February 9, 2024

St. John Fisher University offers its students an exceptional opportunity to study abroad, expand their academic credit, and gain worldly experience. By immersing themselves in the local culture and networking with new people globally, students can achieve personal growth and professional development, which can lead to a variety of career paths.

Previously, Fisher students who studied abroad have reported that it has helped them gain more knowledge to pursue careers in fields such as global public health and international relations. The program is available during the fall and spring semesters as well as summer sessions, with over 100 locations to choose from across the world in continents such as Africa, Europe, Latin America, and Southeast Asia.

“Studying abroad is the single most life-changing experience for any student. It’s a chance to explore new cultures, learn new languages, and be exposed to new customs and traditions. Students return home with a different perspective of the world, and an expanded network of friends,” said Stella Plutino-Calabrese, director of global education at Fisher.

Plutino-Calabrese added that studies have demonstrated that students develop various important skills: adaptability, self-awareness, empathy, teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving through study abroad, adding that these qualities are particularly important and set students apart for future success.

“We often hear that the biggest regret among students who are about to graduate is not having studied abroad. But those who did, they recall their experience as the most transformational and rewarding among the many opportunities of their college years,” she said.

To participate in the program, students need to be in good disciplinary standing, and sophomores must have a GPA of at least 3.0, while juniors and seniors need at least 2.75. In addition, sophomores must have already declared a major and gained approval from the department. While studying abroad, students must be enrolled in at least 12 credit hours of classes.

To begin the application process, students are required to meet with their designated academic advisor to determine which classes will count toward the degree they are pursuing. After speaking with their advisor about fulfilling requirements for their major or Fisher Core Curriculum, a student’s application will be submitted for final review and approval. Upon submission of the application to the Registrar's Office, the institution assesses and determines whether the selected courses meet Core requirements. Some programs may allow students to take courses that satisfy their major requirements. To ensure the course is eligible for major credits, the department chair's signature of approval on the application form is mandatory.

Before enrolling, students must first identify the country they would like to reside in and invest time in learning more about its culture and language. Additionally, students need to have a valid passport to leave and re-enter the country, which may require obtaining one or updating an existing passport.

Over the next three months, Plutino-Calabrese is hosting six informational sessions for students interested in learning more about study abroad opportunities. The sessions will be held from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in Basil 214, on the following dates:

  • Tuesday, February 13
  • Tuesday, February 27
  • Tuesday, March 12
  • Tuesday, March 26
  • Tuesday, April 9
  • Tuesday, April 23

To learn more, visit the study abroad website or email mplutino@sjf.edu.