How to Read Prerequisites

Working with prerequisites may seem confusing but it’s not really difficult. See the following examples of how to read a prerequisite.

Course A has a prerequisite that reads like this:

ANTH 203D UG D- or ANTH 203T UG D- or ANTH 204D UG D- or ANTH 204T UG D-

In this case, the student must have completed one undergraduate course with a minimum grade of D- as a prerequisite before registering for Course A. This course may be either ANTH 203D or 204D. The reference to ANTH 203T and ANTH 204T are related to the fact that an old core D or P course could not be transferred to Fisher. That was handled by changing the transfer course designation to a T.

Course B has a prerequisite that reads like this:

ANTH 203D UG D- or ANTH 203T UG D- and ANTH 204D UG D- or ANTH 204T UG D-

In this case, the student must have completed both the 203 course and the 204 course before registering for Course B.

Course C has a prerequisite that reads like this:

ITED 210 UG C and EDUC 225 UG C Y and (EDUC 227C UG C or PSYC 227C UC C) and EDUC 230 UG C and EDUC 312 UG C Y

In this case, the student must have completed ITED 210 with a minimum grade of C and either EDUC 227C or PSCY 227C with a minimum grade of C and EDUC 230 with a minimum grade of C as prerequisites before registering for Course C. The student must have completed or may take EDUC 225 and EDUC 312 at the same time as Course C.

Note: Courses which have the letter 'Y' after the minimum grade may be taken at the same time as the course for which they are listed as a prerequisite.